The child really wants to be good!
“If he can’t – teach, if he doesn’t know – explain, if he can’t – help.”
Every day we build children’s self-confidence, creativity and mutual understanding, and we educate them through play.
We’re here for the kids!
We shape positive relationships and good habits
The IBMek Private Kindergarten was created for parents working in corporations located in the vicinity of IBM, as well as for those who place greater demands on educational institutions. This place is not only a kindergarten where children learn, play and take additional classes. This place is: home atmosphere, qualified staff, care and individual approach to each child.

We are for parents!
We appreciate your trust and support
We value cooperation with parents, but we put the child’s welfare above all else. We have created a place where you cannot get bored, where children’s curiosity is appreciated. In the kindergarten we have three groups: Squirrels – 5.6 years old, Kittens – 4 years old, Gooses – 3 years old. The housing conditions are very good, we have 3 rooms, one of them is equipped with two toilets, and for older groups the toilet is located in the corridor.
We have a cloakroom with a guest toilet, kitchen facilities and a well-equipped playground. We work with company, which specializes in catering for children.
We are a modern kindergarten
We care for the education of children and improvement of the qualifications of the teaching staff.
- we provide proper care, protection against violence and respect for dignity personal of each child,
- we prepare pupils to start education at school,
- we cooperate with the family supporting it in raising a child,
- we support the individual development of the child using its possibilities mental, physical and self-initiative.
The entire teaching staff takes care of their own professional development and improvement of the quality of work with children. Teachers participate in various types of courses and workshops. They skillfully diagnose the needs of children. They practically use the knowledge and skills in the field of teaching methodology, use various and activating methods of work.