Sensory activities

Sensory activities

Sensory activities in kindergarten: The key to the harmonious development of the child. Sensory activities in preschool are becoming increasingly popular, and their importance for children’s development is hard to overestimate. Thanks to these activities, the...
Adaptation of a child in kindergarten

Adaptation of a child in kindergarten

Adaptation of a child in kindergarten is undoubtedly an important stage in his life. For many children, this is their first experience of leaving home and making contact with their peers. To ensure the child’s transition to kindergarten is as smooth as possible,...
Building curiosity in kids

Building curiosity in kids

Children are naturally curious and thanks to this curiosity they can gain new experiences, develop, achieve goals and achieve success. However, it is extremely important to ensure that this curiosity is stimulated from an early age, not inhibited, and given the...