In the last entry, we focused on the development of a three-year-old child. Therefore, it now becomes necessary to pay attention to the development of the four-year-old. What skills are characteristic of this age? And what should worry us then? What to talk to parents about and what to focus on when observing a child?
A four-year-old is a volcano of energy that is often difficult to control. It is everywhere and it is impossible to keep up with it sometimes. It is even said to be such live silver. He seems to be “rude” because he rebels and protests. It happens that he negates everything that adults say. Additionally, there are difficulties with dealing with emotions. A four-year-old child is even more unstable in this area than a three-year-old. It quickly goes from laughing to crying and screaming.
A 4-year-old child is also extremely curious about what is around him. It is open to novelty and becomes more and more independent. It is therefore necessary to allow him to carry out some activities without the help of a teacher or a parent. Therefore, you should allow him, for example, to dress himself or perform hygienic activities. It’s also a good idea to encourage them to make simple decisions, such as choosing the color of a hat or pants.
A four-year-old begins to feel a much greater need to be with other children. He/she likes their company and can play together with others. But at the same time, there are often conflicts between children of this age. It is related to the strong need for independence of every four-year-old and his rebellion. So there is a struggle for domination or a toy, an attempt to impose one’s opinion on others (e.g. when it comes to choosing a game). Children at this age do not like to comply, so they often check the boundaries of both other children and adults. At this age, you can also notice an unusual fascination with everything that is forbidden. Therefore, four-year-olds may be eager to use “bad” words.
What skills come up at this age? In terms of socio-emotional development:
1) The child enters a period of stubbornness and rebellion.
2) May hit, kick, run or throw objects in moments of anger.
3) Tantrums happen quite often.
4) Sometimes he uses bad words or rude to other people.
5) He crosses and breaks boundaries, often defies orders addressed to him.
6) fantasize.
7) Willingly enters into discussions with other people.
8) Plays together with other children.
Changes also occur in terms of cognitive development. Here you can observe:
1) Intensive speech development – the child is comfortable using approx. 1500 words.
2) It correctly determines the position of objects.
3) Can efficiently count to at least four.
4) Slowly begins to master the sequence of activities, e.g. yesterday, today, after breakfast.
5) Asks about the meaning of different words.
6) He can focus longer on an activity, he is eager to listen to long stories.
7) Asks a lot of questions.
8) Learns poems and songs quickly. Sometimes he composes songs on his own.
9) The ability to play themed appears, e.g. in a shop, races.
The physical appearance of a four-year-old child and his motor skills also change. Here it should be noted that the child:
1) Skillfully use a fork or a spoon.
2) He can dress and undress himself. Sometimes it just needs help from an outsider.
3) Is able to perform hygienic activities such as using the toilet and brushing his teeth.
4) He is better at drawing.
5) Jumps on 1 leg and climbs the ladder.
6) Efficiently arranges puzzles with min. 10 pieces.
So you can see that the development of a four-year-old is characterized by many changes. Therefore, a child is not always able to cope with emotions. It is therefore necessary to provide young people with support and help in this regard. It becomes necessary to translate and explain the norms and rules as well as familiarize the child with our expectations. Additionally, it should be allowed to be independent. All these activities will be conducive to the child’s development and help him to cope with emerging difficulties or challenges.