What happened in our kindergarten after the holidays?
The holidays passed quickly. Many children left our kindergarten and started school. Those that remained grew, became more courageous and open to new experiences. September is a month of getting to know each other, redefining the rules applicable in groups and organizing teaching work. However, there is no shortage of interesting meetings and attractive activities. There is no time for boredom with us. Below is some information about how we spent this September.
On September 7, musicians visited us with a concert called “Eh violin, how wonderful”. As you can guess, the children had the opportunity to learn about a new musical instrument – the violin. They listened to the sounds they make. There were many interesting games and songs. It was a very nice start to our year together 😊
On September 14, a lady from the bank visited us. She talked about what a bank and money are and how to save. The children also learned what a banker does. Many interesting questions were asked. The children had various reflections and willingly participated in the discussion. During the classes, Mrs. Dorota conducted a number of various competitions, for which our preschoolers received interesting prizes. It was an extremely inspiring meeting.
September 18, we went on a trip to Krzeptów. We took part in games and activities related to the baked potato festival. The children collected potatoes, took part in various sports competitions and ate potatoes from the fire. In between activities, our preschoolers could spend their free time on the huge playground. The trip passed in a wonderful atmosphere. We came back tired but happy. You can say that we like such events.
One of the most important September traditions in our kindergarten is the autumn plein air painting. Children then turn into real artists and make beautiful, colorful works. This year, the weather was good and the entire event could take place outdoors. The little artists gave their all, resulting in a wonderful gallery of works.
On September 30, they celebrated Boy’s Day. Girls from each group made sure that their friends felt special on this day. There were fun activities, games and small gifts. The teachers prepared an obstacle course for the boys and made sure that each of them received a crown that symbolized their uniqueness.
In addition to all these events, there are many additional things happening in each group. Teachers celebrate two unusual holidays each month. In September, the Dolphins celebrated First Aid Day and Mushroom Day, and the Goose celebrated Apple Day and Falling Leaf Day. The squirrels celebrated Mushroom Day and Rabbit Day.
So you can see that the school year started with a bang. We will not slow down and we promise that a lot of interesting things will happen. We want our preschoolers to gain as much experience and knowledge as possible. So what? Are you ready for another month? Because we very much 😊